Quinceanera Tradition – Ways To Have The Best Corte De Honor

The Corte of honor is known as one of the most celebrated Latino traditions of the Quinceanera celebration. The Quinceaneras Corte de Honor, celebrate her to mark the transformation from girlhood to womanhood. This transformation not only physically happens but also it happens psychologically. This is the day when she adds another feature to her dream.


Most of the time, family members and close friends of the Quinceaneras family members are chosen to be in her Corte de honor. They do participate in a special waltz for the celebration.

Celebrate this unique day 

This day is unique and can’t be repeated in entire life therefore, you shouldn’t leave it dry. You can make this day memorable by choosing Quinceaneras White Plains in Westchester County as your venue. This is highly popular place and it is designed to make this day memorable.


The Quinceanera tradition has been or the Corte to consist of fourteen boys and fourteen girls. Plus, the Quinceanera and her escort for her celebration. Each couple represents a year of the Quinceaneras life. Most of the Hispanic families in the USA prefer to have a half court with seven girls and seven boys. Now, each of the persons represents one year of her life and the Quinceanera adds the fifteenth year. Families those are experiencing reduce number of participants in the Corte of Honor to be easier to work with. They do found the major benefits of the smaller court to be reduced costs and the challenge of organizing dancer rehearsals.


Apart from them, some families also choose to have Corte of only boys. The number of boys in the Corte can range from four to fourteen boys. The reason behind idea is the all boy Corte of Honor allows the Quinceanera to be the only crowned princess at her own. Contrary, some families prefer to have the Corte de Honor to be only girls. Many times each girl is escorted by her father. There are tons of options are available to make your day memorable. You can choose the soothing option for you.


In all these celebrations, venue plays the vital role in order to get the highest excitement. This is the reason you should always choose a suitable venues to make your event memorable. Choosing venue for Quinceaneras parties in White Plains will be the best and well capable to make this iconic day memorable.  So select your venue and enjoy this day. For further inquiry please stay in touch with Coliseum on Twitter, and Google Plus social media networks!